Dingle Town, Slea Head Loop
May Music Fill Your Soul with Joy . . .
The bus ride to Dingle took us over the Shannon Estuary by ferry. We stopped in Listowel at the
John B. Keane Pub for storytelling by his son Billy Keane. From there we passed through Tralee (no sightings of Mary the Rose of Tralee) and on to Dingle. Our group's accommodations in Dingle, were at the Milltown House and its lovely neighbor, The Clonmara B & B.
John B. Keane Pub for storytelling by his son Billy Keane. From there we passed through Tralee (no sightings of Mary the Rose of Tralee) and on to Dingle. Our group's accommodations in Dingle, were at the Milltown House and its lovely neighbor, The Clonmara B & B.
Dingle Town
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Slea Head Loop
According to Rick Steves' Ireland guide the loop trip "must be driven clockwise, is easy by car, or is a demanding four hours by bike."
Luckily we took the bus. The loop included stops at beautiful views, the Great Blasket Centre, a group picture, and the Gallarus Oratory.
Luckily we took the bus. The loop included stops at beautiful views, the Great Blasket Centre, a group picture, and the Gallarus Oratory.
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The mist, pounding surf, and relentless winds brought to mind the remoteness of this area,
and the hardships of the people who lived on
the isolated Blasket Islands off the coast of the Dingle Peninsula.